Thread: Windows Tinting
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Old 06-13-2003, 06:42 AM   #12
1st Gear
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I have 20% and no problem with it so far. I was even bailing my friends out of a local jail once for underage drinking and the cops came out just to talk a little. None of us really knew them that well but when they looked at my civic he said he wanted to show me what could really get me in fined. He went straight for the hood looking for washer lights but I didnt' have em, nor do I plan to. He completly disregaurded the 20% tint with the 8" down front window strip and spray tinted tail lights.

As far as how dark, the first time I had it done was at night during winter so i was having some trouble backing down a driveway out of the shop. I was told to be safe don't move the windows for 3 days so I had no choice of rolling them down. Now I'm used to it infact my car seems see through compared to most of my friends double 5% tint.

My opinion 20 is dark enough. On cloudy days if its really dark my car will appear darker than it is so i just slide the sunroof cover open and it lightens up a bit.
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