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Old 06-03-2003, 01:03 PM   #32
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uh... I never said that the piping is MORE prone to rust....

what I said was that JUST LIKE ALL exhausts I've had the greddy blew out in the SAME spot as ALL the others... at the resonator.. it has NOTHING to do with weld quality or metal quality...

It's because the gases expand DRAMATICALLY once out of the cat... the first place they have to expand very much is the resonator... this puts excessive wear on the resonator and it's welds...

also water which is a natural product of a combustion reaction sits in the resonator and tends to make them rust first...

again it has NOTHING to do with greddy specifically... it's just a problem that EVERY exhaust I've had has had. (because they all have resonators and I never had a header of cat. before...)

with a hi-flo cat and a header the expansion should not be as dramatic at the resonator however if the bottom of the resonator lies below the bottom of the piping chances are water will accumulate there and eventually cause rust...

My point was.... that the greddy was the ONLY exhaust I ever had that was high quality enough to re-weld... also I believe they have a LONG warranty. not sure though.

anyway good luck with whatever you decide.
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