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Old 05-31-2003, 04:05 AM   #67
Posts: n/a
Maybe I had weak laughing gas? I mean yeah it numbed me up and made me crazy -- they had to leave me by myself because I wouldn't stop laughing but it didn't knock me out or anything. I was still awake for the whole 4 wisdom teeth being taken out, and he like popped my jaw or somethin so I was bruised all on my face for a good 4 months. But I never had an iv, either. They grew in sideways so blah. But yeah it didnt knock me out at all and he was all asking me all kinds of questions.. and I remembered crying because I thought if I tried to relax I would stop breathing and die.

Eww at a club I've seen people doin' the hangin by hooks thing. Not cute, sorry. And double ewww at having to stretch to see the belly button piercing!!!! haha.

Prince Alberts I dont like too much, frenum piercings with lil barbells in it are cute. As for a guy gettin freaked out about piercings, oh well. I wouldn't wanna change who I am to make someone like me, I'd just have to be alone.

edit: and no I don't think any piercing would make someone look slutty. I guess I don't see how that is connected...?
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