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Old 05-25-2003, 10:25 AM   #23
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Originally posted by maikoshi
How is that not 'really getting off'? Is there only 1 right way to get off? So if you cum when a girl is giving you a blowjob, is that "not really getting off" unless you cum when you are having sex?

And yes, just because you have a lot of sex doesn't mean you get off on it. A womans body is so much more complex than mens when it comes to sex and having an orgasm.

I love how guys act like they have vaginas just because their girlfriends tell them things. I've never pretended to have a penis, maybe you should just stick with your own anatomy. You say all of these things about how we don't know our own bodies and then say "well that's just what so and so told me", please! Don't insult us. Maikoshi is about to tell you something, listen up:

I've had the big "o" g-spot orgasm, it's kinda too much. I wouldn't wanna have one everyday if you know what I mean. If something has ever felt so good it almost drove you mad, that's what it is like for me. Orgasms via the clit are better for *me* on a more often basis than the g-spot thing.

1. when a guy cums from oral it's the exact same process as when he orgasms from intercourse... so it's the same thing.

2. women's anatonomy is no more complicated than a good puzzle... sure for kids it's hard to get off or deal with it when they finally REALLY do.

3. I never said it had anything to do with what a gf told me... everygirl I've been with has reacted 1 way to the clit (of course the like it) and another to the big'en (I think your sumation makes it pretty clear which one is "better"

4. just because your a little young and in-experienced (which is why you can't handle the intesity of the superior orgasm) doesn't mean that when you grow up you won't FAR prefer the g-spot way more than the clit.

I'm not sitting telling anyone how THEY feel... I'm saying that an orgasm from oral is a clitoral one because THAT is the target... (ie what you're licking) and during INTERCOURSE the gspot is the target (ie what you're sticking).

I never said that all of you prefer one over the other I just made mention of the FACT that if you're having clitoral orgasms during intercourse you're not really having intercourse driven orgasms... your having clitorally based orgasm which... last time I checked can go totally un-molested during the act and still achieve a real orgasm..
I am an A$$hole... take anything I say to heart at YOUR OWN RISK...
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