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Old 05-13-2003, 06:26 PM   #54
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by nonovurbizniz
Oh I'm so pissed... I just wrote like 2 pages and hit escape...


domestic owners "hate" on honda's because they get constantly harrased by them for NO reason... they're slow they do NOT compete in ANY way.

Mod your car all you want... they're just trying to let you know that for all the money your spending you could have a MUCH faster better car for LESS money.

And that you bother the crap out of them thinking you could even have a CHANCE running against them...

Ask a domestic guy what he thinks of a mitsu eclipse gsx or a vr4... almost everyone of them (who've ever been in one) are like "now usually those import kids are stupid... but that car is FAST".

because it is.

the reason they say most hondas are slow econo boxes....


And if you think that most import haters are 18-25 white boys you haven't been looking in the driver seat of those import "tuner" cars.

A. I don't think color has ANYTHING to do with it...
B. 16-25 year olds are the ones buying and driving imports... ya sure some of them have the presence of mind to pick a car that actually has potential.
C. People who KNOW cars rag on honda's because they're funny.

I laugh out loud 7 out of 10 times I drive by another honda... especially the "tuned" ones.

course there is NO side-stepping the fact that the saleen wing is the father of ALL gay wings... that thing is so fugly it should be against the law (functional or not). and if I had a penny for every dumbass cowl or other wise ported hood on a mustang I'd have enough money to make a honda that is fast.

If you want to break down the import/domestic thing it's much easier (although only a little more accurate)
Domestic= meat-head anti-pot yet still pro-beer, working class shclub.
Import= retarded spoiled ass rich white boy with no and I mean NO knowledge of cars (if you had it you wouldn't be driving a civic (I needed a cheap reliable car fast(I got one))).

most domestic guys grew up learning about cars.... most import guys got an econobox from there rents and started modding it hoping it would be fast one day... it won't.

and as far as you saying that a motor swap isn't something most "tuners" would do... then you are Seriously the most retarded bastard that ever walked the earth...

that's the FIRST thing most "tuners" do... it's D-bag kids who slap I/H/E on (well I should say have them installed at a shop).

If your not actively TUNING something stop calling yourself a tuner or representing them cuz your not.

Dude! HAVE a fuking civic!! omg....Civics are quick, thats the whole point! Civics can be fast....You're jsut looking at numbers!! damn, just cause you see 200 HP on a civic after a b18c5 swap (you said civics could never be fast.) doesn't mean any car with higher HP could beat it....theres other stuff ya gotta take into my friend with a 240sx...he's got a K&N filter, and some 1500 dollar suspension...and he can beat WRX's in strait lines because of the number of drive shafts they have, and some other reasons too....point is, is that civics can be quick.
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