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Old 05-09-2003, 02:49 AM   #1
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Grr honda haters

I dont understand.......why do people bash imports so much?I know thanks to a bunch of IDIOTS who have done some realy stupid shit to there cars EVERYONE now gets a bad name cause they have a bodykit or something.....but
why i really dont understand is why when someone is bashing honda they compair it with a v6 or v8......especially when they say "i'll take a camaro over any 6 cylender any day"......why? why would you want a camaro over a twin turbo supra? Not only are camaros ugly but there not that damn fast.....i just dont get the mentality...or the logic behind "my 2.8ltr will smoke your honda" yeah maybe but YOU HAVE 2 MORE PISTONS THAN ME......on and the chevy wanna be compact CRAP friend has a 97 integra something and he has dusted my other friends 3.1(maybe) cavalier z24....and i have outran a stock 4 banger cavalier.....and didnt even know why he was trying to race me.......then they have there defence by saying "domestic cars arent the only cars that have problems and recalls" yeah but they have alot more dash and interior falling appart......imports on average last longer and need less matinence during there they tend to hold better value......

a cavalie or neon same year with same miles as my civic is gonna go for half the price........because they are less reliable and are pretty much crap..........go to and look some cars up and compair.......even mustangs "top of the line ford" go cheeper than say and Integra GSR or Prelude.....

then there is the comparison between a corvette and an NSX or supra.......WTF? v8 vs v6....hmmmmmmm.........again i dont understand...yeah the NSX might cost more......but it will last longer and i believe in a test between the 2 a few years ago in car and driver the NSX won in all catagories except 0-60 they say an NSX doesnt even get broken in till 110k whats the deal

also....when they compair dodge neons to a PROFESSIONAL car driver/reviewer and testerouter(lol) has even said that the NEW TURBO neon still isnt a japanese made whats that say........

I dont bash american cars.......i just dont like very many....i like the Stratus SXT and Ram trucks,s-10,viper and avenger.....but to me most all american cars look the same......and they have all there companies like dodge and plymoth.....same company and they make the same car with a different name......most american companies do that too......but honda has a Civic and an integra.....totally different know what i meen though.........

oh and another funny thing........when someone says dodge is better than Mitsubishi............they either have no idea what there talking about or are joking.....since mistubishi engines are in dodge cars.......I knwo the avenger had a mitsu engine cause my mom had one......the stealth,talon,lazer,stratus(i think) and i believe the dealer told me that the new turbo neon has one too..........soooooooooooooooooooooooooo again i say WTF?

anyway i was reading some anti import sites and most of those people are completely Retarded and should be drug out into the street and beat with a large saussage link
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