Thread: sway bars..
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Old 04-21-2003, 11:45 PM   #2
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sway bars might give you a tighter turning radius and help out on sturdy-ness

strut bars (ones w/ out hinges) are good at decreasing the amount of body flex that can occur from lowering the car or changing to performance suspension...making the car more rigid and firmer overall. Just by adding a front top bar wont do much, but adding front and rear, top and bottom, you will notice the difference.

think of your hand as your car (yes this works). Outstretch your fingers, straight and together:
|||| /
Now, make them stiff...try really hard not to flex them up and down against each matter how hard you try, they still flex apart when you just imagine a bar across them.

Get the idea?

Just be sure that the bars are solid w/o any hinges on them. If it has a hinge it only looks has no function, because, it too, flexes along the hinge

(Hope all that makes sense....its getting late)
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