Thread: Seriously...
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Old 04-21-2003, 11:02 AM   #25
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: The stixx
Age: 38
Posts: 1,550
ok lets look at it this way.

2001 Toyota Highlander ratails at 23,330
lets say that a oh an 2002 Civic SI retails at 19,460

thats 3870 that i would have to toy with. lets see...
75 shot of nitrous. -500
3370 i could use the rest on turbo and just then be reachinm what you paid for your your car. Are you starting to catch on yet? I didnt even take into account the mods you have done. so must this go on?
me from another forum (im the top geekz0r)
the geekz0r (11:03:46 PM): basicly, look at it this way...the 6speed is the same is the 5speed in 2,3,4,5,and 6...only the speeds are different because of the fd
the geekz0r (11:04:16 PM): so 2nd pulls like 1st in the 5speed, 3rd is like 2nd, etc.
PortugeeTex (11:04:26 PM): so whats 1st like then?
the geekz0r (11:04:49 PM): 1st is like hitting a cheeta in the ass with a tazer
PortugeeTex (11:04:53 PM): lmfao
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