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Old 04-10-2003, 06:20 PM   #17
SVT Cobra
Posts: n/a
lol lol lol lol hahahahaha.. b2k or whatever your name is, lol lol lol.

please never post here again. you have no idea who any of us are we have been here a lot longer than you.

for your information, i totaled my cobra in december after hitting a tree at 105. i got a WRX because for some odd reason i was afraid to get another cobra right away.
YOU DRIVE A MAXMIMA, What gives you the right to talk about anyone's car?? all you say is ford sucks and cobra's are p.o.s.

lol get real.
MY WRX IS SLOW TO ME. A low 14 second car is still faster than your gay ass maxima. i dont even like imports. this car was basically temporary till i felt comfortable driving again, seein that i should have died in my accident. if you honestly think a maxima is superior to a wrx or cobra or any mustang for that matter, you're a complete moron. you obviously know nothing about cars.
you say my car needs turbo to be fast lol.. and you say mustangs need v8s to be fast. whats it take to make your car fast then? lol lol . you are seriously a BIG ***GOT and KNOW NOTHINGGGGGG>
lock this thread up cuz this kids a homo........ lol maxima's are better than cobras hahahahaahahah