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Old 04-07-2003, 01:28 PM   #16
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Matrix
The idiot meant he wanted to race for either $100 or titles (ownership of the car).

I'll race for money, not a problem. It's the idiots who challenge for "slips" that irk me.

The thing is, do you think they would ACTUALLY give you their slips if you won? Prolly no, so why should you race for them. Either way, I'd feel bad about taking someones car, unless they were dissing mine. I'd race for money if I was confident w/ my car, I just bought the thing last week though. Can't even drive good yet (Shh). Even if you beat this guy, he'd prolly try to kill you when you pulled over for your money. Good call on speeding away, sounds funny
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