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Old 03-30-2003, 01:00 AM   #11
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Originally posted by Shot 2 Hel
i dunno I got it from HCI, i was kinda mad too. but I did find out that Memphis has a track so i guess thats a good thing. But I'm not really for or against street racing, ill street race, but I do it somewhat responsibly. Im afraid that if i go to the track I would either get laughed out of there or i would embarass myself. But I say if you can go to the track go for it

I am really going to bite my tounge and not say anything.... ok, I can't help myself! If you think that you'll be laughed at with the track (ie, your car is slow) then what are you proving on the street? That your 18 second car and beat that 18 second car?

RASR is nothing new, they've been around well over a year (before I stopped visiting but instead of writing out a huge essay, just go here: which pretty well sums up my beliefs on the whole thing as well...

As for no legal tracks, you need to get organized and talk to your local politicians. There is a trend where cities are building government funded skate parks, in hopes to get kids off the street and into a structured enviroment; I don't see why city's can't do the same thing w/ cars.
I know out in Cali, they have special events on Friday or Saturday night, where a private company contracted by the city will go to a large parking lot (like at a mall, convention center, or arena) and set up a 1/8 or 1/4 mile track. Kids can go to these tracks and race for $2 / run, get timeslips, all that good stuff. The cops are there and things usually go pretty smooth. That is one LEGAL alternative to street racing...

In all, you cannot justify street racing. It is illegial and dangerous (as statistics AND personal experience shows). But the temptation is too strong, and we all give into it at one point and time. Like Shot 2 Hel you must be responsible when you decide to street race...

Had an Accord. Then I had something European. Now I have an SCCA Solo-II monster!
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