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Old 03-28-2003, 03:13 PM   #1
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I finally raced the mustang

Well, as many as you guys know I was wanting to see what it would take to beat my cousin's mustang. I found out last night. A friggin rocket. I didn't plan on winning, but damn I didn't think it would be that bad.

1st race: We did it from a dead stop untill 120. As soon as we take off he leaves me in the dust. I was around 70-80 when he put on his flashers. I had a hard time making them out casue he was so far ahead of me.

2nd race: We did this one from a 20 mph roll. It was basicaly the same result. I heard him punch it and his tries still lost traction.

I had no clue it was going to be that bad. How do you guys fair aginst the GT's. He told me that the 99+ were a lot faster that the 96-98 GT's.
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