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Old 03-25-2003, 05:38 PM   #5
2nd Gear
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Dothan, Alabama
Age: 38
Posts: 261
Originally posted by RU_Teg
not everyone shaves their inner lights...i think it would be pretty unique to get those IS300 lights...

Yeah, that is what I was thinking. Noone else has the clear IS300 taillight conversion used as a backup light. Then again, I agree with hondaman-iac about it being a honda. What got me on the whole idea of shaving the inner taillights is this green hatchback like mine, down in Panama City, that had it done. Except he has the outer ones white, not clear. It looked really really good with the green paint job. I don't think I'll be able to have a shot at any kind of customizing right now though. This car is half my dad's, and he uses it when he absolutly has to, and he is against imports like crazy. He didn't want me to put low profile tires, thank god I finally managed to talk him into those, on it, rims, anything. He said "the car runs how it is, leave it that way." I pisses me off everytime I hear him talk about imports and fixing up cars. He thinks if you do anything to a car like that, it just messes the car up. I want to be able to have a car I can customize how I want to!! Since we are now down to two vehicles, one being this, I'll never be able to.
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