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Old 03-22-2003, 11:46 AM   #189
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So if your great grandfather was a slave trader your a bastard?

I guess people should also stop going to disney land and buying ford cars too right? cuz Henry ford had a picture of hitler on his desk and was an active supporter of Nazi interests foriegn and domestic. As was Walt Disney.

The beauty of a FREE COUNTRY is the lack of GUILT BY ASSOCIATION.

If you want to go conpiracy theory on this thread then why not point out that ALL of our presidents (including clinton) since carter have been active members of the trilateral commision.

And that everytime they meet (in secret with press and visitors BANNED from the proceedings) and discuss things, those "things" start popping up all of the world and things they mention as "good ideas" become not just gov. but WORLD policy...

WTO... the formation of a palastinian state (just wait), NAFTA... etc etc...
I am an A$$hole... take anything I say to heart at YOUR OWN RISK...
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