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Old 03-22-2003, 11:30 AM   #186
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I'm the first one to say that bush Sr. was a slimey sack... he ran the goddam CIA for gods sake... obviously he's crooked...

Your point about the banks doesn't make any sense. (not enough of the story I don't get it.)

Duh we make back door deals... FOR GOOD REASONS. Iran under the Iotola Khomeini was FAR WORSE than saddam could or will ever be. There direct goal was to sell there oil for weapons to wage a war on the US. If you think it was a bad idea to fund the guy next to them who WAS far more controllable at the time then your dumb. What else should we have done. Declared holy war on Iran? Or waited for them to nuke us???

I did not read the post you were reffering to but just because we're guilty of something doesn't mean we have to sit by and watch other people do it.

If a judge loved sleeping with teenagers should he not convict child molesters because he's guilty too?? that doesn't make sense.

America has done all sorts of ATTROCIOUS things. that doesn't mean we should sit around an let other people do the same thing.

Look at nuclear proliferation... we're obviously guilty of producing MASSIVE amounts of plutonium depleted uranium nuclear bombs, generators, waste. Does that mean we shouldn't encourage other countries to NOT do the same retarded thing?

Like I've said... I do question everything... I am NO sheep.

This is something that should've been done a LONG time ago... sure it would've been best to never put him into power. But we were looking out for our own best interests...

If we had not supported Saddam in the early-mid eighties chances are we'd all be glowing green at this point. Iran was SERIOUS about destroying america... they created a TERRIBLE climate in the middle east.

If you want to ***** about american foriegn policy then complain about the fact that 90% of the money/hijackers came from Saudi Arabia who SUPRRESSES it's people yet we support that regime.
I am an A$$hole... take anything I say to heart at YOUR OWN RISK...
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