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Old 03-17-2003, 08:31 AM   #23
Posts: n/a
Seriously though, have any of you Cube haters ever really looked into it, given it a chance, actually paid attention to what's available for it????

PS2 costs more because it's a SONY. Nothing Sony is cheap, even their crappy stuff (which they make/sell lots of).

Prime rules. I'm almost to the point of beating it, but it's already too late to get 100%....I might need to play through again from the top.

Each console has its pros and cons. I'd buy the XB for Halo if I had broadband at home. GC for Prime. PS2 for GT and GTA series. But claiming that GC is for kids? It's like saying a Lude is for kids and IS300 is for big boys. Everybody can enjoy a Lude....

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