Thread: 3d mark 2003
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Old 02-20-2003, 01:47 AM   #3
Posts: n/a
3dmark03 was written for ATI. there's no denying it.

Futuremark can say all the BS they want about ps1.4 being the most efficient dx8.1 pixel shader but as a gaming benchmark you should use the pixel shaders the majority of games are using.

currently i think the list of ps1.4 games you can count on your two hands.

3dmark03 is a farce. granted its supposed to be a dx9 test which in dx9 video cards are spec'd to include all previous pixel shaders including 1.4 so the test is somewhat justified.

however.. how could they not know this was going to be a big mess? they act like nvidia's claims against them are a surprise.

lol. what a mess. soon as the fx comes out it will die down a bit, but until then we will get to read this BS every day.
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