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Old 02-13-2003, 03:16 PM   #29
Posts: n/a
My friend from the beginning....has put a name out for me to use but....i don't it right
"Nub's NarCARtics"
My nickname is nub,nubby,nublet.....because I was born with spindabifida...and the most common symptom is a clubbed foot. Well I was surgically repaired and am alive and living like everyone else....thank the lord....but my right calf is small so is my foot....good almost 2 sizes i'd have a great sense of humor and this is why I'm nub.....the dam thing just can't grow. that name politically correct.....not that I wanna sponsor drugs....but it's catchy and edgey....what about a slogan i asked...
"So'll need to come back"
I was like whoa...this works...but how does the general public view this? I dont' need to go open up shop and have protestors outside my door.....but maybe i'd make the New York Times lol...
Gimme your thoughts....i'm very intrigued by it.
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