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Old 02-13-2003, 03:03 PM   #51
Yahoo Watashi wa kattaze!
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Originally posted by cashizslick
Cave men do not have a written language - they only understand grunting noises (you are still confusing him).

nah cavemen could talk and had language...most of the different species of past humans had hyoid just got back from anatomy so its still on the brain...

Alright let me address some stuff..and I'll try to keep it to that 1 smiley because IMO theyre being waaay overused lol...

Yes DSMs are good cars, I have wanted an eclipse/talon for years, even the new ones, I think they are impressive and powerful...I almost bought a ESI talon a week before my civic but then I found out they cost way too much for what I can afford (initially, for fixes, and for the insurance w/ the stock turbo); so I kept shopping and found my EX...and I am very happy with it.

Many of the other posts are dead on saying that the civic and the eclipse are in two different levels of vehicle, I think thats obvious so dont start comparing them; unless you can compare a grand am GT to a Cavalier (there is that a better comparison for you?) cant...and if you do just shut the hell up because youre clearly confused on what a car even is.

To get down to a simple point and put aside all bashing: We mod our cars for the same reason that everyone else does it for...for fun, a hobby, and the thrill of it when our "little econobox" goes faster; and in some cases looks better in the process.

So now that I have said what I wanted to say I will now b*itch you out: IronMike you are a childish, immature person who truely and honestly needs to grow up. If you were one of those people that rev on others that are on the other side of the road...even when you are stopped at a light...between 2 other cars, it would not surprise me, in the least. Get off your flimsy high horse and come down to where the real car modifiers live, in reality. Either respect all that in the sport or dont play...b*tchass
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