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Old 01-27-2003, 08:31 PM   #4
Banning Machine
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: My Garage, Va.
Posts: 5,547
Are a blockguard and cylinder two names for the same thing, or are they different? Like a sleeve goes on the inside and a blockguard on the outside of the cylinder?
it's almost similar, except the blockguard is just a component vice a "whole" sleeve.
By "turbo tuner" do you mean a person to tune it or a programmable system to adjust the subleties of the turbo system?
I meant a person tuning an electronic device and the whole turbo set-up......
As far as the fuel system, can one set of injectors and spark plugs handle both boost settings, and the management system be adjusted to match the setting, or will the injectors and plugs have to be changed to adjust the boost?
The plugs and spark can be the same at both settings. Just the fuel that maybe in jeopardy. It not that big of a deal. All the tuner has to do is make sure that ample fuel will be delivered at higher boost condition for that "weekend warrior" mode.
Also, if I were to get a management system like Hondata or AEM EMS would I get the one for the Integra that matches the engine, or the del Sol it would be installed in?
Hondatas are all (i think) OBD1 systems. So it doesnt matter what engine as long as the ECU is OBD1. AEM EMS is the same way. Just tell the manufacturer or retailer which ECU you have.........Peace!


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