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Old 12-18-2002, 08:49 AM   #14
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by 94_AcCoRd_EX
3 terms of Java, starting C++ next term, also taking assembly next term I think. I have a little C experience also.

I'm not too great at Java though, I really need to get into it more. When I'm done with my degree in 2 years, I'll have a minor in CS.

Assembly for which architecture?

I've done Java (hated it and forgot it), basic (already forgot it), TI programming (already forgot it), html and some CSS, C++ (forgot most of it), some PIC microcontroller assembly (can't remember which company), and perl. I use perl at work but never really "knew" perl, so I kinda relearn as I go then forget it until the next script needs writing.

As you can see I'm definitely not a programmer. But I do write scripts here and there.

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