Thread: Dodge Neon???
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Old 12-17-2002, 08:17 AM   #56
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Re: Re: Dodge Neon???

Originally posted by toykilla
Dont you think these are questions you should have asked BEFORE you bought one??

Sorry to offend you with my hasty decision but to be perfectly honest with you, I did not even pick the car out. My father did. He has a dealers license and he got it at an auction for little to nothing and I'm giving him money for it. Because the engine in my truck blew. Obviously, I crack on the Neon because I'd prefer to drive my Honda over it but I still do appreciate it because it is a car and it gets from point A to B. And this whole thing is not about dissing Neons. People prefer different things as everyone is different. It is however about dissing the people that do dumb things to Neons and think they're badass.
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