Thread: snack anyone?
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Old 12-10-2002, 11:48 AM   #57
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by juvenile
Oh here is's kind of what firstgeardude mentioned but different

you take a slice of nice bread or bagel (good on bagel)
wash an apple.slice it in thin circlular slices, cover the bagel/bread with them. (1-2 layers) and place enough cheese to melt. Bake at like 150-175 degrees fahrenheit for like 5 minutes (or as soon as cheese melts). This bakes the apples and the bread a bit too.
I love this snack. It's nutriotious and very tasty...ummmmmmm

this is nothing like what i make

apples and cheese??

and its not healthy because cheese has a high fat content.... the only plus is the calcium
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