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Old 11-08-2001, 10:24 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
YEEEEAH! great new job!!

alright, im pretty excited right now. im 21, and ive been a car salesman for a little over 3 years now( i know i know!) but ive been making good money doing it, making no less than 45k each year. working off of commission is pretty scarey, especially when bills like for the apartment and such are due each month, and you NEVER know when a bad month is gonna hit you. im in college also, so that takes most of my time . well, this morning i was just informed that i have been promoted to head finance manager at the dealership!!!! ill have a promised salary now(65k a year) and no more commission or dealing with people who want a brand new celica for 2 dollars a month!!! wooo-hoo! i guess this promotion is what happens when you lead a dealership in sales EVERY month since you started.... ah well, im excited and wanted to share. Supra twin turbo here i come!!!
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