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Lenrek 10-15-2002 03:15 PM

Are people always this mean in here?
I heard this was a good place to talk about Honda's and mods and stuff. This Booma guy doesn't even own a Honda and he's badmouthing everybody. Is it always like this?

mt.biker 10-15-2002 03:21 PM

welcome, but for the love of God make that sig smaller! And i really hope that one of those guys in that sig isn't you! LMAO

Lenrek 10-15-2002 03:24 PM

No, not me. but the one on the right is my boyfriend. I don't know much about images and stuff like that but he told me I had to put a picture of him on here or he wouldn't let me post with a bunch of other guys. Does it mess your 'puter up?

Neely8 10-15-2002 03:28 PM

Thats some serious BLING BLING you got going on there!!!

Lenrek 10-15-2002 03:32 PM


Originally posted by Neely8
Thats some serious BLING BLING you got going on there!!!

Yeah that's true he likes to wear gold chains and stuff alot but he has a really nice body so I put up with it. Plus his car rox. He won't ever let me drive it though because he says I could wreck it (prolly true).

Neely8 10-15-2002 03:35 PM

Is that really his car, or is that his brother's????

Lenrek 10-15-2002 03:40 PM


Originally posted by Neely8
Is that really his car, or is that his brother's????

No, it's his now (the red one) but it used to be his brother's. His brother (who is 22) got in trouble because he got caught messing around with one of my friends (who is only 16). He still lives at home so his dad took away his car and gave it to my boyfriend. Boy was his brother pissed but my boyfriend says he never took good car of it anyway. My boyfriend isn't going to be a loser like his brother. He's already made like $1500 racing his car on the weekends.

oachRa 10-15-2002 05:15 PM

That is truely an epoch pic.

Lenrek 10-15-2002 05:18 PM


Originally posted by oachRa

That is truely an epoch pic.

You like it? My boyfriend made me put it here. I think they go a little overboard with the chains but they have nice bodies and awesome cars so I go along with it. My boyfriend buys me nice stuff too so it's cool. I like being in the "in" crowd.

Lenrek 10-15-2002 05:21 PM


Originally posted by oachRa

That is truely an epoch pic.

By the way, not to be a nag-hag but I think it is spelled "epic" not "epoch". I don't think "epoch" is a word. :)

oachRa 10-15-2002 05:27 PM

Hey man Get off my back!!! You know damn well what I ment.

Hondas suck dude. HAhaha

nittanys1 10-15-2002 05:57 PM

Lenrek, Booma is getting old quick...he posted all those "crap" post in a night....

ebpda9 10-15-2002 06:37 PM

make that pic smaller for crying out loud

DsBlu01CivEX 10-15-2002 06:42 PM

To actually answer the question posed at the beginning of this thread....NO people aren't always mean on here....Actually we all typically get along very well with each other (at least the usuals do). We tend to be one big happy family...but sometimes random @ssholes do show up and act like dicks before someone puts them in their place or they decide not to come back on their own. Try venturing out to the other forums. If you just wanna chit chat about stupid stuff check out Shifting Gears and Battle of the Sexes...if you're a chick (which I presume you are cuz you keep referring to your bf) check out Fast and Furious Females, we could always use another chick in there. But don't judge the site just from what a few jerks have said that might have offended you. We're a fun bunch.

Flawed L 10-15-2002 06:57 PM

Holy hell, is that guy holding a glass dikk??

2000Pimpinex 10-15-2002 07:03 PM


Originally posted by Flawed L
Holy hell, is that guy holding a glass dikk??

It would appear so!

Ticket2ride21 10-16-2002 10:00 AM

THE THREE AMIGO'S STRIKE AGAIN! BLING BLINGIN AND ROLLIN UP ON TENS! Wow....this is funny....tell them they have to return their parents cars...their mom's earings...and their dad's watch and chains! :D :D :D

Nice trophy...guess they are gonna go play with that now huh?

Im just kidding...I'm David...welcome to HondaStyle! We arent mean around here....well...most of us....but yea...we just like to kid around here. It's ok if ya wanna kick me in the nuts for the comment above...i understand

crxb16hybrid 10-16-2002 10:12 AM

Hell no whats up with the bling bling baby .....You know he might shave a few tenths off his time if he drooped some of that jewelry off before the race.....haha im just messin around like ticket2ride said we like to bust some balls but its all in fun......Welcome to hs...........


Lenrek 10-16-2002 10:21 AM


Originally posted by Flawed L
Holy hell, is that guy holding a glass dikk??

It's not reall a glass dikk, it's a trophy Brad won from a street race in Houston. He carries it with him like a security blanket. My girlfriends and I make fun of him cuz it does look kinda like a glass penis. Funny thing is my girld friend used to date him and she said he has a tiny one. :D

Chief 10-16-2002 10:29 AM

If you guys can't tell that the head was photo-shopped on the far right guy, you need help ;) (not to mention, the glass "trophy")

Original photo found at: http://www.icyhotstunta.com/

nittanys1 10-16-2002 10:41 AM

OHHHH nice catch...i thought something looked weird..nice find on the original....but for real...Lenrek you need to make that sig a LITTLE smaller

Boooma 10-16-2002 10:48 AM


Originally posted by Chief
If you guys can't tell that the head was photo-shopped on the far right guy, you need help ;) (not to mention, the glass "trophy")

Original photo found at: http://www.icyhotstunta.com/

Yeah, I figured somethin was up with this dude. What an a-hole.

mt.biker 10-16-2002 11:01 AM

this kid is a loser, and for the love of god get him to make is sig smaller

OPAKRACING 10-16-2002 10:53 PM

ya know, the guy on the far right is trying to make his pecs look bigger by squeezing um togehter. lol

sry, just had to point that out. ;)

crxb16hybrid 10-17-2002 10:52 AM

Not to mention all the jewelry has the same shiney spots on each peace of jewelry.......Nerds............Haha

FasterThanLight 10-18-2002 05:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
yep, it's official, that pic has been very photo-shopped.

the hands are not "his". still, that was a worthy effort, and damn funny. i'm not sure how they ever could have thought that picture could have been innocent... she's wearing a cheerios hat for crying out loud...

and btw, long time no see... i've been way too busy to post...

4jacks 10-18-2002 07:35 PM

:no: :no:

I have nothing to say... this is the most worst link i've ever read ....

00 Si 10-23-2002 10:20 PM

I just saw this thread now so I'm sorry if I'm late. I'm a newbie for cryin out loud. But WTF IS UP WITH THOSE KIDS???? try www.rice.com OMG, those 3 should be put in a cage and never let out.

4jacks 10-23-2002 11:03 PM

Someone please burn this thread... :crazy: :crazy:

crxb16hybrid 10-24-2002 10:52 AM

Hahahaha that ish was funny;)

bx_integra 10-24-2002 11:48 AM

Ight....watz really good??....somebody please take that dumb sig off of here...lets be serious for a moment...that "trophy" looks like a pretty big glass penis....They need to take that silver off of them cuz i highly doubt its white gold and diamonds....the one in the middle needs to put on a bigger shirt and if the other dude wants to walk around without a shirt maybe he should consider getting some real muscles....that pic is ridiculous....iv'e never seen something more stupid online than that....I literally laughed my ass off....good one...:pukey

ChrisCantSkate 10-24-2002 02:52 PM

have you guys lived under a rock for the last few years? i remember when they had their origional site up, and then people took it to hell and back

the white guys look familiar?

bx_integra 10-24-2002 03:01 PM

^LOL^ I didn't even notice that...lol

FasterThanLight 10-24-2002 07:55 PM

holeee shit... 4thgenlude... that yellowbirds pic is off tha hinge...

it made me laugh to tears... :D :yes:

oh and by the way, the glass trophy was from a golf tournament in sacramento... someone has a twisted sense of humor...

bx_integra 10-24-2002 07:56 PM

^^:D :D :D :D :D

crxb16hybrid 10-25-2002 02:48 PM

That ish is funny .....You got some hard core bling bling boys with some straight up racers ....Ummmmmmmm I see the resemblance in the crew ,,,,,lol maybe if the jews loved the natzis.....That is the worse shop job I ve seen...

bx_integra 10-25-2002 03:43 PM

^ Yes it is...

Erica_02civicCPE 10-25-2002 11:53 PM

lmao i was thinking about that penis trophy today :) :pfft:

bx_integra 10-26-2002 01:20 AM


Originally posted by Erica_02civicCPE
lmao i was thinking about that penis trophy today :) :pfft:

why were u thinking about the penis trophy today?...if u dont mind me asking...

crxb16hybrid 10-26-2002 09:36 AM

Huh huh she said penis .....Some ones has penis on the brain ....lol....Just kiddin;)

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