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-   -   Well I never knew Kanye was really that stupid (http://www.hstuners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25281)

KwikR6 09-03-2005 02:03 PM

Well I never knew Kanye was really that stupid
hahahahahah dumbass

pdiggitydogg 09-03-2005 02:07 PM

He doesnt even know what the hell he's saying!

mavaaoife 09-03-2005 02:55 PM

HEH career killer..

CD5Passion 09-03-2005 03:02 PM

haha wow....can you say incoherent babbling

AzCivic 09-03-2005 03:12 PM

to think I WAS going to buy his CD, now I'll just download it.

GT40FIED 09-03-2005 03:29 PM

Bah...link's down. Looks like they're having server problems.

pdiggitydogg 09-03-2005 03:39 PM

yeah, it took me like 8 tries to see it

IALuder 09-03-2005 03:49 PM

funny shit. Bush hates Black People. hahahahahahahahahaha

it took him 8 mins just to get to the point of his babbling.

GT40FIED 09-03-2005 04:09 PM

Ok...worked this time.

Wow...just...wow. Put him in an arena with 50K people and he'll do just fine but stick one camera in front of him and he can't string together a single coherent sentence. I'm also left wondering what the fuck he was on.

I gotta give props to Mike Meyers (why they'd pair those two together is beyond me) for keeping it together. When Kanye stopped I would've just looked at him and been like "what the fuck did you just say?". Meyers actually recovered the fumble.

KwikR6 09-03-2005 04:28 PM

And then there is chris tuckers face at the end of it....yeah..i was thinking of buying his cd..but after that..meh...i'm not paying a dime for it..

I was told that people were actually so offended by what he said..that they aren't going to donate because of him.

IALuder 09-03-2005 05:15 PM

doesnt surprise me. after all he offended every person that voted for bush and bush won by a landslide. :crazy:

GT40FIED 09-03-2005 06:00 PM


Originally posted by IALuder
doesnt surprise me. after all he offended every person that voted for bush and bush won by a landslide. :crazy:

What? When did 51% vs. 49% become a landslide? Besides...the part that probably offended so many people (the very last thing he said) was the only part that made any sense...and that's only because it's true.

Racing Rice 09-03-2005 09:39 PM

Haha.. Kanye is a fvcking moron. He looked like he was mentally handycapped. He was have been ahead if he would have just said "Bush hates black people, give us money." Maybe he could have said that without fvcking it up.

KwikR6 09-04-2005 12:29 PM

Well regardless of his last comment...i still think he's quite stuipid from that clip.

AzCivic 09-04-2005 03:43 PM

how do people know bush hates black people?

GT40FIED 09-04-2005 04:32 PM


Originally posted by AzCivic
how do people know bush hates black people?

I don't think he hates them...but I don't think he gives two shits about what happens to them. I think he's decided that blacks vote democrat so he'll just focus on the rich white churchgoers that vote republican. I mean what has Bush really done for blacks since he's been in office? He did cut taxes on dividends...'cause I'll be damned if those weren't putting tons of black people in the poor house. By comparison, look at how much Clinton did for black people.

Look at NO, for example. Everytime you see the news...everyone left is almost entirely black and most of them are below middle class. I'm not making any statements as fact, but maybe that is why relief took so damn long to get there. I mean look at Cuba. When Cuba got hit by Ivan last September it was category 5...sustained 160mph winds. They evacuated 1.5 million people and 20,000 homes were destroyed, but no one died. Why? Because their leaders had the balls to take control of the TV and radio. Bush had to know by common sense or from an advisor that people needed to get out of NO...but when the storm hit he was playing golf...and even then it took him 3 days to get in front of a TV camera. Hell...even I was looking at the TV going "man...if that thing hits New Orleans like that, they're gonna be fucked". The only conclusion I can draw is that if I knew ahead of time, our fearless leader had to have known too. And by way of logic, the speed with which relief is trickling in is almost criminally slow. If Bush cared, I gaurantee more would have been done faster.

pdiggitydogg 09-04-2005 04:52 PM

If Katrina had hit the area that Im in, which is full of well-to-do white folks who vote republican (and they were very sure to donate enough to him, last election, to show that), or even Texas, as a whole, you know that he would have been there a whole of a lot sooner than 3 days.
When I heard he was going to fly over NO in a helicopter, I pretty much laughed, but wasnt surprised. Then, when I saw that he actually landed and talked to people, I was shocked as shit.

Since the other day, Ive watched this same clip a few more times. I really dont think that Kanye is stupid, I think he's a bit upset and cant articulate well, because of that. Then, in the end, he finally just spits out that bush doesnt care about black people.

Either way you look at it, Kanye really takes his public role to say what he feels. This is no different than the blood diamonds...but more to the point maybe.
I'll buy the new cd

AkimboStylee 09-04-2005 05:12 PM

i already bought it and i like it, i like how he mixed the theme from diamonds are forever from bond, and he even backs bush in some of his lyrics

AzCivic 09-04-2005 05:36 PM

what did clinton do to help black people?

before the hurricane even hit bush was on tv signing this and that to declare this and that in order to get the money ready for relief. what was he supposed to do, roll up his sleeves and fill sand bags?

am i the only one who thinks people should help themselves rather than expect help to come from somewhere else? when i lived down there and some hurricane was supposed to hit, we evacuated.

AzCivic 09-04-2005 05:51 PM

furthermore when does a fund raising event to help out victims become a time to voice one's opinion on elected officials. i think actors/singers and whoever else with fame should keep their opinions to themselves, the only ones they'll sway with their retarded remarks are those who have no clue and think that their favorite actor/singer is everything in the world. basically the same retards who run out and buy new pants because Dale Jr says wranglers are great, only its a little bit of a bigger deal when it comes to the gov't.

GT40FIED 09-04-2005 07:06 PM


Originally posted by AzCivic
what did clinton do to help black people?

before the hurricane even hit bush was on tv signing this and that to declare this and that in order to get the money ready for relief. what was he supposed to do, roll up his sleeves and fill sand bags?

am i the only one who thinks people should help themselves rather than expect help to come from somewhere else? when i lived down there and some hurricane was supposed to hit, we evacuated.

Clinton did a lot. For one, hewas the only president in history to apologize for slavery. Sure, it's purely symbolic...but the fact that no president had the balls to do that for 150 years says something.

The fact that Bush signed this and that before the hurricane means nothing if it doesn't do a damn bit of good when the storm hits (obviously it didn't) and if no one follows through on those promises, what's the point? Maybe instead of signing all of that shit he shouldn't have short-changed the $430M that New Orleans was supposed to get to butress it's levees and build new pumping stations to fund his bullshit war and homeland security (they got screwed out of $250M of that $430M which means a lot of unfinished projects). Had he kept his word then and/or listened to the people of New Orleans when they were begging for the projects to be completed after their funding was reappropriated (stolen) by the government in '03 (especially after '04...one of the worst hurricane seasons on record), we might not even be having this discussion. As for the sandbag idea...that's something. At least he'd show he cared. As it stands now he just looks like some patronizing asshole.

You're not the only one who thinks people should help themselves, but for some people evacuation just wasn't an option. Mostly the poor got screwed, along with people in hospitals or those who had family in hospitals. Sure, there are the idiots who figured they'd just ride it out...but I'm guessing most of the people left weren't thinking that. When events happen of this scale, it's impossible to look at it as "every man for himself". It's just not practical.

I do, however, completely agree about celebrities keeping their god damn mouths shut. There's a time and place for everything, and if it's a question of your opinion, the right time and place is not a telethon/press conference/award show. Celebrities need to stop thinking that because we liked their movie or album that we give a fuck about what they think. That's right Kanye...fuck you. Oh...and your music sucks ass.

AzCivic 09-04-2005 07:33 PM

hmm reappropriated funds you say? i'll have to look into that, bogged down with homework right now so who knows when i'll get to it. then again, did funds get reappropriated every year since the levees broke last time(from what i've heard is was like in the 50's or 60's.

i see your point with this event being so large scale that everyone couldn't be expected to make it to safety, but i'd like to see a pole of everyone that stayed to see their reasoning for not leaving.

GT40FIED 09-04-2005 09:15 PM


Originally posted by AzCivic
i see your point with this event being so large scale that everyone couldn't be expected to make it to safety, but i'd like to see a pole of everyone that stayed to see their reasoning for not leaving.

I would too. I would even go so far as to say that people who could've left and didn't are at the back of the line when it comes time to rebuild.

As for the reappropriation of funds, here's a quote from an article by William Marvel on Interventionmag.com (click HERE for the full article. I'll readily admit that the site is decidedly anti-Bush, but in this case the facts are pretty solid).


Congress authorized the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project in 1995, and the Army Corps of Engineers invested $430 million into buttressing weakened levees and building pumping stations, but the Bush administration halted that project in 2003 with another $250 million worth of work left unfinished. Since then, according to Editor & Publisher, Louisiana emergency management officials have been begging the federal government for the rest of that money, without success. The New Orleans Times-Picayune published numerous articles over the last year that indicated the funds had been reallocated to homeland security and the war in Iraq—even though the 2004 hurricane season was the worst in many peoples’ memory.

GT40FIED 09-05-2005 07:28 AM

One important note about Kayne's semi-retarded speech was that he did get one thing right. The media has spun some things around in the white vs. black ideal. One nationally syndicated report did list black people as "looting" objects while white people doing the same damn thing were listed as "finding" the same thing. The report can be seen at http://www.snopes.com/photos/katrina/looters.asp

KwikR6 09-05-2005 02:12 PM


Originally posted by GT40FIED
One important note about Kayne's semi-retarded speech was that he did get one thing right. The media has spun some things around in the white vs. black ideal. One nationally syndicated report did list black people as "looting" objects while white people doing the same damn thing were listed as "finding" the same thing. The report can be seen at http://www.snopes.com/photos/katrina/looters.asp

So kind of like.....I clean up society..and black guys murder people? hahahahahahahahahaha

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