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Whiteclipse99 03-03-2004 09:01 AM

How old is too old?
I was listening to a radio station on my way to work this morning and the discussion on hand was the age difference between couples. How far apart in age between a couple does it take before it gets "disgusting"? For example, 5 years difference isn't that big of a deal to most people, but how about say 20 years difference? I'm 23 and personally, I probably wouldn't date anyone over 10 years older than me. I say this not because I think anyone older than that is repulsive or anything (in some cases yes), but because the older they get the less likely we are to have things in common or the same interest and our priorities in life are different. I still have much to experience in life that they probably have already experienced. So, how old is too old?

(Although I'd make an exception for George Clooney ;) )

cashizslick 03-03-2004 09:43 AM

well, being 20, i wouldnt date somebody who is more than 2 years younger than me, and i wouldnt wanna date anybody more than 2 years older than me only because i want to have similar intrests and what not - plus, somebody who is older than you usually has a different place in life than you do . .

wal 03-03-2004 10:10 AM

well im 20, and i wouldn't go with anyone younger than 16 (college age) and i wouldn't go with anyone over mmm say about 40. coz theres some nice older lasses out there and as long as they have similar like and dislikes then i think ya will get on. however in the uk young lasses tend to date older guys, mind you it does depend on how mature she is in the head if shes like 30 going on 20 then ya ok

DsBlu01CivEX 03-03-2004 10:11 AM

My "acceptable" age range at the point is 2 yrs younger (I want them to be at least 21) and 5 yrs older....so that would put it 21-28. My biggest concern with dating guys older than that would be one thing that has already been mentioned....and that would be the fact that most likely they'll be at a different place in their lives. My other concern would be kids. Sure guys my age have kids and are on the "market" and yes I still have to take that into consideration. But the likelihood that older guys have already been married and/or have kids is increased from what I've seen. I'm not sure that I want to have kids of my own, and I really don't want to raise somebody elses (unless of course I choose to adopt, which is what I plan on doing when I am ready to have kids as a permanant in my life).

Oh and Erin there are few older famous men I'd make exceptions for.....can we say Mark McGrath????:kiss: :thumbsup:

SolPol 03-03-2004 10:57 AM

Well, I'm 25. And I'll date anywhere from 16 to 40 :)

Whiteclipse99 03-03-2004 11:09 AM

^^ 16....isn't that jailbait?!

I think with guys it's different. Women don't hit their sexual peak until about 40 or so, while men hit their peak at about 20.

As for younger guys, I won't date any guy who isn't at least 21.

DsBlu01CivEX 03-03-2004 11:28 AM


Originally posted by SolPol
Well, I'm 25. And I'll date anywhere from 16 to 40 :)

:yikes: 16?!?!?!?!?! What do you have in common with a girl that is a jr/sr in high school? Hell even when I was a senior in college I had problems "relating" to the incoming freshman that were in my gen ed classes. I can't imagine being my age now and dating someone that was still in high school.

I do agree that the age difference thing is more acceptable for guys than girls.

V8killimports 03-03-2004 11:35 AM

Women hit their sexual peak in their early 30s.

Mmmmm.. sexual peak.

ohiochica 03-03-2004 11:42 AM

WOW, ok i just ended a relationship with a man that was 43, i am 25. it was awesome. we are still good friends, he just has some issues to deal with before he can be in a relationhip.(wifes death)

i would never date anyone younger than my age.

i normally date guys that are 30-36.

SolPol 03-03-2004 11:47 AM


Originally posted by Whiteclipse99
^^ 16....isn't that jailbait?!

I think with guys it's different. Women don't hit their sexual peak until about 40 or so, while men hit their peak at about 20.

As for younger guys, I won't date any guy who isn't at least 21.

Hehe, you guys are fun. So easy. BTW, Eclipse, good Office Space reference in there.

As for jailbait....well kids, welcome to New Jersey, where the age of consent is 16. Learned that when an old boss (33) used to date the 16 and 17 year old girls that WORKED for him. No conflict of interest there.

IALuder 03-03-2004 12:01 PM

2-3 yrs older and younger. i am 17 too.

i dont think anyone older then 18 should date someone younger then 18. becuase if something bad happens and she gets mad and dumps you or visversa she or he could claim rape.

SolPol 03-03-2004 12:03 PM

Depends on the state on that one good sir. Sorry, my Mom is a social worker so I get to hear about all sorts of good stuff like this.

juvenile 03-03-2004 12:29 PM

I'm 19 turning 20.
I'll say 17-24 would probably be my limit. Of course there's always an exception to every rule but that is my general rule.


Originally posted by DsBlu01CivEX
I'm not sure that I want to have kids of my own, and I really don't want to raise somebody elses (unless of course I choose to adopt, which is what I plan on doing when I am ready to have kids as a permanant in my life).

So the only way you'll have kids is through adoption?

Wren57 03-03-2004 01:12 PM

I thought women hit their sexual peak at 18 and men at 22... perhaps I am wrong, but thats what the discovery channel show taught me;). Anyways, I would date anywhere from 16-28. Don't want to date a girl that can't drive, and don't want to date anyone more than 10 years older than me.

BlackWolf 03-03-2004 01:13 PM

When I was 16 I dated a man that was 28 but it seems the the older I get the more younger men are attracted to me. Wierd. California is 18. Funny you should start this topic, I work in the health insurance business and just yesterday enrolled a 62 yr old man who married his 24 yr old step daughter so he could claim their 2yr old child as a dependant. Major EW factor. :pukey

SolPol 03-03-2004 02:05 PM


Originally posted by BlackWolf
When I was 16 I dated a man that was 28 but it seems the the older I get the more younger men are attracted to me. Wierd. California is 18. Funny you should start this topic, I work in the health insurance business and just yesterday enrolled a 62 yr old man who married his 24 yr old step daughter so he could claim their 2yr old child as a dependant. Major EW factor. :pukey

He had a kid with his step kid?

Yeah, Jersey is 16


Men hit it at 18, women at around 35 or 36.

Whiteclipse99 03-03-2004 02:18 PM


Originally posted by juvenile
I'm 19 turning 20.
I'll say 17-24 would probably be my limit. Of course there's always an exception to every rule but that is my general rule.

That's how I felt at 20-21, but now that I'm a little older my preferences have changed. And the more I think about it, although I had said I wouldn't date anyone over 10 years older than me which puts them at 33, I change that. I wouldn't date any guy over 30. Even 29 is pushing it. I had a guy who was interested in me that I turned down that was 29 and although I didn't feel the same about him, the age was a facter as well.

GT40FIED 03-03-2004 05:40 PM

I'm 22 and I figure I could go about 5 years either way. 17 would really be pushing it...but maybe if she was really hot. Girls these days can really get you into trouble. I used to work with a girl about my age who brings in her sister one day (I was about 18 or 19 at the time). She looked drop dead gorgeous (5'9", legs to her neck, curves in all the right places, short skirt, skimpy shirt) and then I find out she was fucking 15! Until 14 year old girls stop dressing like they're 20 then they should repeal jailbait laws.

ebpda9 03-03-2004 06:56 PM

i am 24 and i would go to like 4 years yournger than me. older is a no no. :no:

cashizslick 03-03-2004 07:05 PM


Originally posted by Whiteclipse99
[BI won't date any guy who isn't at least 21. [/b]

Cmon Coach, just gimme 6 months lol.

But seriously - maturity is the issue with dating. Like i know i am wicked immature still - therefore i wont even approach somebody who is more than + or - 2yrs for the sake of having "common ground" to work with (aaawww yyeeeaaahhh playa).

BTW, most girls who are outta college want a guy who is moderately succesfull, can support them (pay for their wants), and will be able to have a family with (i.e. marry) . . . . I aint got none of that - maybe thats why my sex life has consisted of many one night h00kUPS with people from clubs/bars and one 7month relationship that has left me in a pile of pieces . . .

B16DoHcCrx033003 03-03-2004 09:42 PM

im only 15, turning 16 next month, i woulnd go younger then 15, but i have never dated a girl younger then me, just a thing... its better, like my girl b-day is in jan, and mine is in april she is already 16, im so young;(

DsBlu01CivEX 03-03-2004 10:06 PM


Originally posted by juvenile
So the only way you'll have kids is through adoption?

That's my plan as of right now. I don't know that I really want to have kids of my own. Just knowing that there are so many kids out there in the world now that don't have loving parents....they deserve a chance too. And ever since I was a little kid I always told my family that I was going to adopt kids rather than have my own. I also don't want to deal with all the infancy stuff....I want a kid that can talk and wipe their own ass by the time I get them.

cashizslick 03-03-2004 10:41 PM


Originally posted by DsBlu01CivEX
That's my plan as of right now. I don't know that I really want to have kids of my own. Just knowing that there are so many kids out there in the world now that don't have loving parents....they deserve a chance too. And ever since I was a little kid I always told my family that I was going to adopt kids rather than have my own. I also don't want to deal with all the infancy stuff....I want a kid that can talk and wipe their own ass by the time I get them.

You can get some real smart asian kids who will bring prominance and respect to your family name. You wont have to ever get pregnant (ive heard it sux), and if the kids do turn out to be bad you can be like, "Eh, not my kid. . . "

- Just Kidding.

But seriously, i have 2 friends who were adopted and they both have parents who really love and care for them in every way (inc. college) - these kids are really great people and it would have been a shame for them to be left without the chance to have a real family. - my 2c

B16DoHcCrx033003 03-03-2004 10:43 PM

when im older if woul dlove to adopt, cuz i rly dont want to go put up with infancy, but i heard thats the best part ( bullshit), but me and my brother are the only 2 people left in my family witht he original last name so i gotta keep my name running so i am going to have kids...

ShagginJet 03-04-2004 10:21 AM

Age is nothing then a number. It's all about the way you act, your maturity, and what point you are at in your life.

I usually date girls that are 3-6 years older then me. My last g/f was 6 years older, and we were both on the same page. I'm 23 and find that girls under 25 just don't have their act together. This doesn't apply to all of them but it does apply to most. I've dated younger girls, the relationships didn't last long. I say my age range is 21-30, although I usually can't relate to the younger gals. Younger gals are usually just a good f*ck, no offense to the more mature young-ins we have here.

Whiteclipse99 03-04-2004 11:19 AM


Originally posted by ShagginJet
I'm 23 and find that girls under 25 just don't have their act together. This doesn't apply to all of them but it does apply to most.

I'll admit, I'm one of those girls. I'm still trying to figure out my life and the direction I want to take.

SolPol 03-04-2004 11:25 AM

That's got nothing to do with age. I never would've thought that I'd be 25 and still have no clue. What are ya gonna do? It just hits different people at different times I guess.

IALuder 03-04-2004 11:53 AM

you only live once and you'll never know till you try it.

thats all im going to say.

ShagginJet 03-04-2004 01:54 PM


Originally posted by Whiteclipse99
I'll admit, I'm one of those girls. I'm still trying to figure out my life and the direction I want to take.

You don't have to have your entire life planed out and know what's going on. But I'm looking for gals that have a good head on their shoulders. it's hard to find that in a younger gal. It's hard to explain, i don't want to say common sense but it's along those lines. I guess I'm just a step ahead of most peeps, or something.

ohiochica 03-04-2004 08:53 PM

wow denise i thought i was teh only one with the adoption. i truly dont feel i wantt o give birth. in fact i am so serious i have considered getting a hysterectomy now. no more periods and no more protection.......hmmmmm

DsBlu01CivEX 03-05-2004 12:06 AM


Originally posted by ohiochica
wow denise i thought i was teh only one with the adoption. i truly dont feel i wantt o give birth. in fact i am so serious i have considered getting a hysterectomy now. no more periods and no more protection.......hmmmmm

the thing that sucks about that is doctors won't typically give them to girls our age unless we have major medical problems. Because if we decide at this age we don't want to have kids and then 5-10 yrs down the road marry someone that we want to have kids with....we could "sue". I can understand their logic, but I just don't think I wanna deal with all of that. I think I'd make a decent mom, just not to an infant.

ShagginJet 03-05-2004 01:36 AM

You gals shouldn't do that. I have a friend who can't give birth and it's really sad. She'd give anything to be able to do so and you're thinking about giving it up just because you can.

cashizslick 03-05-2004 07:13 AM

Fo real y0 ^

You know, you might not wanna have kids when your 23, but who on earth does? What if you meet that guy of ur dreamz and you get married - then 5 years down the road when ur 28 or 30 hes like, "you know beautiful, i wanna try to have a baby . . ." - or soemthing like that.

Whiteclipse99 03-05-2004 08:23 AM


Originally posted by cashizslick
You know, you might not wanna have kids when your 23, but who on earth does? What if you meet that guy of ur dreamz and you get married - then 5 years down the road when ur 28 or 30 hes like, "you know beautiful, i wanna try to have a baby . . ." - or soemthing like that.

I agree. At 23 I'm not ready to have children nor do I know at this point in my life if I even want to have children, but I'm not ruling it out totally. Who knows if down the road I meet that one special guy and we decide we want to have children. Of course child birth is painful, but almost any mother will tell you that it's all worth it in the end.

cashizslick 03-05-2004 09:33 AM


Originally posted by Whiteclipse99
child birth is painful, but almost any mother will tell you that it's all worth it in the end.

not mine
;( ;( ;( ;(

j/k - just keep ur options open ya know - and ohiochica, just take the pill every day and you should be fine (DONT FORGET).

DsBlu01CivEX 03-05-2004 11:36 AM

I truely do feel badly for the girls that want to have children but cannot have ones of their own. But that doesn't mean that they wouldn't be able to give another child a loving home to live in.

I could careless about the "pain" of being in labor and giving birth to a child....that's not what makes me not want to have children of my own. It's just the fact that I know that there are a lot of awesome children that are brought into this world and aren't given the chance that most of us get. They grow up in foster care or in an adoption place....that's not fair to them. So I figure, why bring more children into the world when there are so many that all they want is a family that loves them for who they are.

BlackWolf 03-05-2004 01:28 PM

The age of the person is in the mind, not the number. I've known young people in age that acted much "older" and vice versa so IMO, you can't just date someone of a specific age and think they're going to act like you think they will. At least that's been my observation....

GT40FIED 03-05-2004 02:05 PM

True, but generally an age gives you a general idea of maturity. It's basically like saying at this point on a chronological line, you should have at least reached a certain level. This isn't always true, but it's a good measuring stick.

BlackWolf 03-05-2004 03:20 PM

Yeah, good point but what I was trying to say was that, as an example, I don't want someone to think that "so-n-so" is perfect in every way but out of my age date range making THAT the reason as a barrier against them. It's been my experience that you're ready for things in life when you're ready for them. Don't wait for a certain age to do something. Aside from goals, yes goals are important but saying that at 25 I'm going to do this and at 30 I'm going to do that, even though you may not be ready for it mentally. That's all I was trying to say.......:)

ohiochica 03-06-2004 12:37 AM


Originally posted by DsBlu01CivEX
I truely do feel badly for the girls that want to have children but cannot have ones of their own. But that doesn't mean that they wouldn't be able to give another child a loving home to live in.

I could careless about the "pain" of being in labor and giving birth to a child....that's not what makes me not want to have children of my own. It's just the fact that I know that there are a lot of awesome children that are brought into this world and aren't given the chance that most of us get. They grow up in foster care or in an adoption place....that's not fair to them. So I figure, why bring more children into the world when there are so many that all they want is a family that loves them for who they are.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

you took the words out of my mind! that is exactly how i feel. why bring more kids into this messed up world when there are sooooooooooo many that need a home now? its so sad.

oh and cash.......did ya know the pill is now being linked to cancer? being that my mom died of cancer at age 54 i sure as hell am not putting poison in my body that can possibly cause cancer. Lucky for me the last 2 guys i have dated/made love to have had vasectomies.

and i agree it sucks that the doctors wont even think about it for us since we are so young. wonder if it could be done with legal orders ect. hmmmmm............

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