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ohiochica 02-04-2004 12:15 PM

guys can kiss my @$$
GUYS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am turning lesbo!

ok not really but geezus why do guys gotta play head games!

not in the mood to type it all out but lets just say girls when you get a ring it doesnt mean squat!

ShagginJet 02-04-2004 12:39 PM

^^ Are you saying that even though a guy calls you it doesn't mean squat?

^^And f*ck that about guys playing mind games. Girls do that stuff just as much if not more, especially the hot ones.

There is a trick to all this BS sweetie. I'm still working on the details though. I don't like it either but in the dating scene of LA it's almost required that you play games, even if it's just here and there. I've attempted to not play games out here and I've just been trampled over. I'll tell you a secret that's helped me out a lot, PM if intertested. It's kind of mean but it works.

ohiochica 02-04-2004 12:41 PM

no i meant a ring such as a diamond and pearl ring given for your birthday. and then you find out the guy is trying to make dinner plans with another female. and has "dating ads" out on all teh websites stating he is single as can be.

BlackWolf 02-04-2004 01:17 PM

Daumn, that's messed up. A ring is supposed to signify a commitment to that person it was given to. Did you ask him to get you a ring or is this something he came up with himself? He may have gotten you the ring in friendship, not meaning a relationship. Did he know you wanted an exclusive relationship? I know it sounds mean but to some guys you really do have to spell it out for them. Did he know you were really interested in him that way? Sorry, I'm coming into the conversation late and don't know the history behind you two.........:confused:

ohiochica 02-04-2004 01:29 PM

ok i have been seeing him for 5 months, we have been sleeping together 4 times a week for teh past 4 months. when asked about seeing others he lied and said i was teh only one. i found out the truth from snooping thru his emails

he gave me the ring on his own, total shockl to me. it was not an engagement ring it was a ring for my birthday. this happened 2 days ago when i confronted him he said they were old ads. bullshit they were last active within 24 hours i am not stupid nor do i jump off teh deep edge without proof. sooooooo he abruptly got offline, then the next day deleted all his email accounts and has yet to call me. guilty and was busted and knows it.

BlackWolf 02-04-2004 01:31 PM

Daumn again. It's a good thing you found out now before you invested too much. Just to be on the safe side you may want to get tested in case he lied about anything else..............:|

SolPol 02-04-2004 01:36 PM

I can't believe that. You went through his emails? I know so many girls that have done this. It's kinda F'ed up. Obviously you didn't trust him to begin with so what's the big deal?


I wanna know the secret. Sounds funny.

ShagginJet 02-04-2004 01:39 PM

^^ Sorry to hear. Another @$$ giving guys a bad name. Sucks that you were checking his e-mails but i guess he got what he deserved. Can't believe you had the balls to call him on it. You save any of the e-mails? Was he sexualy active with her too? you e-mail her and let her know that he's a **** up... then he won't have either of you... HAHA!

ohiochica 02-04-2004 01:46 PM

no worst thing is i still care for him and love him.

yeah i know, never once did we do anything that was responsible. no glove

yes i read his emails, after he gave me his password. i had people tell me he was a dog ect! i just never believed it.

as much as i would love to email this chick i just cant do it. if he is happy with her then fine. i care enough about him to just want him to be happy. dont understand why he gave me teh ring and then did this but oh well, life goes on.

ShagginJet 02-04-2004 02:20 PM

^^I'd just e-mail her to let her know that he's a dog. You may be helping her out. It's not exactly her fault, she might not even know.

ebpda9 02-04-2004 02:37 PM

awww becky, that's gotta suck. call me if you feel the need to talk to someone :yes: as for advice ??? ? well you know me

cashizslick 02-04-2004 06:54 PM

Re: guys can kiss my @$$

Originally posted by ohiochica
GUYS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am turning lesbo!

ok not really but geezus why do guys gotta play head games!

not in the mood to type it all out but lets just say girls when you get a ring it doesnt mean squat!

You wanna say we play headgames?

Check this out. So my ex broke up with me about 1 month ago, I see her at my church last sunday, and we are talking and she is like, "oh cash, it would be so awesome if you could take me to Boston for my Birthday!"

Im like, ok.

Then, i talk to her on the phone the next sunday, and she is like, "Guess what im doing for my birthday? Me and my friend Jenna are gonna go to Boston for the whole weekend!!!"

Needless to say, i made sure that bridge was burned down before we got off the phone to the tune of "Dont talk to me again."

When somebody slams their door in ur face, you can either sit on their steps and cry or get up, brush urself off, and walk away.

ohiochica 02-04-2004 08:56 PM

thanks i needed that, i need to stand up and walk away. i am a strong female and deserve way better.

**** him! his loss! hope he enjoys the cold bed!

in reality my mind is saying........;( ;( ;( ;(
nah no tears were shed, just confusion. why the ring if he didnt have any intentions of staying with me?

DsBlu01CivEX 02-04-2004 10:23 PM

Some guys are just dumb@sses Becky. They think they know what they want, and then the next day turn around and decide that they don't. You definitely are a strong woman, and don't deserve that sh!t. If you need to talk, you know the screen name :yes:

GT40FIED 02-05-2004 04:24 AM

Ok...first of all, let me defend the Y chromosome. Not all of us do f@cked up shit like that and I certainly wouldn't buy a girl a ring if I was planning on cheating on her. Second of all...looking through his emails is just plain wrong. I don't care what you suspected or if he gave you the password. Doing that shows a weakness on your part and an inability to trust him in the first place. Thirdly (unless such a word doesn't exist), 5 months of seeing someone and 4 months of sleeping with them doesn't constitute "love". I honestly don't think you can truely love someone without being with them for closer to a year. There's just too much you don't know about them, as you have thouroughly expressed in this post. I'm not making excuses for what he did...he's obviously a total dick and deserves whatever you've done in recourse to what you've discovered...but that doesn't eleviate the actions you took to get such information. My ex did the exact same thing to me....except she hacked my email password and I wasn't cheating on her (more like vice versa). I'd say keep the ring...just don't expect him to be "enjoying" a cold bed from the sounds of it.

BTW...not all us guys are jackasses just like not all girls play mind games. I've never once cheated on a girl (and don't ever intend to) and I've never played mind games...but I've had plenty of girls try to play them on me. keep an open mind and next time, if you feel the need to check his emails, just walk away from the relationship. That means your obviously don't trust him enough to get serious.

Whiteclipse99 02-05-2004 09:49 AM


Originally posted by DsBlu01CivEX
Some guys are just dumb@sses Becky. They think they know what they want, and then the next day turn around and decide that they don't. You definitely are a strong woman, and don't deserve that sh!t. If you need to talk, you know the screen name :yes:

Hmmm, this sounds familiar! Am I right D?

Racing Rice 02-05-2004 02:11 PM

Here I thought by the title it was an open invatation at kiss my @ss night.:moon: :kiss:

Seriously though, not all guys are bad... Just the ones you meet.:paranoid:

GirlRacer 02-05-2004 09:12 PM

ugh- men are such assholes. I think you should email the gal too. See what's going on EXACTLY. It may not be what you think, or it may be EXACTLY what you think. I'm nosy by nature. If something strikes me as odd I start digging and do NOT let off.

I say- if they're upset you're digging-there's something to hide- if there isn't anything to hide- you wouldn't have reason to dig.

'ya dig?':yes:

GT40FIED 02-05-2004 09:46 PM


Originally posted by GirlRacer
I say- if they're upset you're digging-there's something to hide- if there isn't anything to hide- you wouldn't have reason to dig.

'ya dig?':yes:

That's kind of a catch 22, don't ya think? Certain things aren't any of your business whether something's up or not. Going digging around people's personal shit like that is just a fishing expedition. You don't have the slightest clue what you'll find...but you hope you find SOMETHING. I'd get pissed just on general principle. If you don't trust them enough that you can't stay out of my private stuff then why the hell are you with them? Go off and find another guy you feel you CAN trust. But if you're the nosey type then that probably won't work...you'll just start :paranoid: after the next little while. All in all looking through people's personal stuff is just plain wrong and shows you have neither the trust nor the self restraint to be in a relationship to begin with.

GirlRacer 02-05-2004 09:50 PM

No, I think if you have a totally honest, open 50/50 relationship, everything is each other's business.

DsBlu01CivEX 02-05-2004 09:59 PM


Originally posted by Whiteclipse99
Hmmm, this sounds familiar! Am I right D?

Yes, yes it does :rolleyes:

I'm actually gonna have to agree with GT on this one. I don't think it's right to go snoopin through the other individuals things just so that you have proof that their doing something or not doing something. If you're partner is givin ya weird vibes and you think something is up, call them out on it. IF it's an honest relationship, that person will be honest with you. If you still don't think the individual is being honest, then get out of the relationship, because the likelihood of you actually trusting them down the road is slim to none. Don't waste your time if you can't trust them.

GT40FIED 02-05-2004 10:26 PM


Originally posted by GirlRacer
No, I think if you have a totally honest, open 50/50 relationship, everything is each other's business.

Ideally yes...but in reality, no. No one is 100% honest with anyone...not even themselves.

vtracer20 02-06-2004 09:08 PM

i agree with most you on here....not all guys are asses....but damn he's deff an ass. yea...i lost my train of thought.:banghead:

ohiochica 02-07-2004 09:09 PM

PLOT THICKENS....... his best friend IMs me tonight, says dave lost his aol account for tos violations. then we proceed to talk and she is telling me i need to call him. he is scared of teh future, scared he is too old for me. but yet he misses me immensely. i think i may call him. it still concerns me though. the lack of phone call concerns me, the email concerns me, the ads concern me, but geezus i wasnt this upset when my 5 year relationship ended. not sure what is going on. *******DRAMA IN MY LIFE********** WILL IT EVER END?

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