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KwikR6 11-04-2006 03:02 PM

YAY I reached a goal of mine.
So I have been working out quite regularly for quite a while now. And yesterday was my chest and tricepts day. From about April till July I was getting some pretty good gains as far as my work outs go. Then from about August to now I pretty much plateau'd and haven't had any gains. The last week I have just had so much energy. I put on 5 lbs, and have been eating a ton of food. I went to the gym and warmed up and did a set of 85lb dumbbells 10 times. Then went to 90lb and did those 10 times. I have never done 95's but I tried them and did them 8 times. I decided to try the 100lb dumbbells and i got out 7 clean reps off them. I'm just so pumped right now. I feel soo good and feel that the working out is actually doing something...anyone else been working out lots?

Grip72 11-04-2006 10:22 PM

i read this while i was eating COLD noodle soup out of the pot

KwikR6 11-04-2006 10:38 PM

ok and?

IALuder 11-05-2006 12:24 AM

ummm, im not the gym type.

but congrads. i wish i could accomplish something.

Grip72 11-05-2006 12:35 AM

i want to get in shape so bad
but i just don't have the time or convience of it. plus i've been super depressed lately so i'm in no mood to work out

ChrisCantSkate 11-05-2006 05:28 AM

ive been doing good, gained 10 lbs or so and running alot. im workin on 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 pullup and chin up reps but its tough im at 1-2-3-4-5-4 then i just hurt. i need to go back to the gym

GT40FIED 11-05-2006 10:16 AM

Reaching goals is overrated. Once you reach one, people expect you to set more and reach them, too. Life is just easier when no one expects anything from you. :D

CD5Passion 11-05-2006 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by GT40FIED
Reaching goals is overrated. Once you reach one, people expect you to set more and reach them, too. Life is just easier when no one expects anything from you. :D

so true

Grip72 11-05-2006 05:38 PM

i aim low...then when i reach it...i' like.. SHIT I"M AWESOME hahaha

KwikR6 11-05-2006 05:58 PM

yay for not being in shape

KwikR6 11-05-2006 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by ChrisCantSkate
ive been doing good, gained 10 lbs or so and running alot. im workin on 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 pullup and chin up reps but its tough im at 1-2-3-4-5-4 then i just hurt. i need to go back to the gym

That's hard shit to do man. Very very hard to do with wide grip pull ups.

ChrisCantSkate 11-05-2006 11:57 PM

my little brother is in the naval acadamy and well.. older brother always has to try and be better than the younger one... so im trying to stick to something close to his workouts(2-3 mile runs and lots of pull ups, chin ups, sit ups and push ups) plus my normal basketball and soccer 4-5 times a week. im really feeling 100x better than when i just sat around and i am a lazy fuck still, just when i go do something i do it right so i dont have to do more of it later... heh

Grip72 11-06-2006 12:43 AM

god i wish i had the time to go play soccer or something...i'm going to have to start trying to make time i guess. i haven' treally had alot of athletic fun since i discovered alchohol about 6 years ago. That'd pathetic...

Mischief 11-06-2006 01:05 AM

i've been doing alot of 12oz. curls lately.. fuck yea

Wren57 11-06-2006 01:29 PM

I've just recently gotten my lazy ass back in the gym after it seemed like I was going to be single again... I normally do sets of 8 of 60/70/75lb dumbells, and will probably go up to 80 either today or next week. Not bad considering I'm a skinny 155lbs. I am awesome at chin-ups though, doing them reverse style where the bar ends up behind my head. I usually do 15, then 10 with a 20lb weight, and then 15 more... and I can curl sets at 35-40lbs. I really suck at shoulder press because of my bad right shoulder and my triceps are also a bit underdeveloped, so I'm going to start concentrating on those more...

IALuder 11-06-2006 02:12 PM

meh, i dont have time becuase im in a accelerated college. so i have shit tons of homework all the time.

ChrisCantSkate 11-06-2006 02:50 PM

ahh yeah im taking 12 hrs and working less than 20, so ive got myself a bit of free time

KwikR6 11-06-2006 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Wren57
I've just recently gotten my lazy ass back in the gym after it seemed like I was going to be single again... I normally do sets of 8 of 60/70/75lb dumbells, and will probably go up to 80 either today or next week. Not bad considering I'm a skinny 155lbs. I am awesome at chin-ups though, doing them reverse style where the bar ends up behind my head. I usually do 15, then 10 with a 20lb weight, and then 15 more... and I can curl sets at 35-40lbs. I really suck at shoulder press because of my bad right shoulder and my triceps are also a bit underdeveloped, so I'm going to start concentrating on those more...

I just started pressing 80lb dumbells for shoudler press...It's fucking hard.
I am doing 3 plates (45lbs) a side on a 45lb bar (315lbs) shoulder shrugs. In front of me and behind. Usually do those 4 sets of 10 reps...

Wren57 11-06-2006 10:17 PM

80lb dumbell shoulder press?? Damn... I used to do 60lbs on that but started doing arnold-presses (where you twist them all the way down to your chest then back up) and do 45-50lbs on that. As far as shrugs I usually just do around 200 and focus on getting a good squeeze at the top

drdingo21 11-06-2006 11:03 PM

If you want to gain mass and meet the goals you set for yourself sooner you need a program (assume you have one).

The best way is to find you max. Then take 45% of your max and rep it 10 times, then 65% of your max 5 times and 85% 3 times. It will build stamnia and help you gain greatly.

ChrisCantSkate 11-07-2006 06:06 AM

thats what i highschool lifting coach had us doing and now that i think of it that is when i gained the most strength the fastest. i went from 115 lb bench to almost 160 in that semester. i think im gonna goto the gym today now that im thinkin about it

Racing Rice 11-07-2006 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by KwikR6
So I have been working out quite regularly for quite a while now. And yesterday was my chest and tricepts day. From about April till July I was getting some pretty good gains as far as my work outs go. Then from about August to now I pretty much plateau'd and haven't had any gains. The last week I have just had so much energy. I put on 5 lbs, and have been eating a ton of food. I went to the gym and warmed up and did a set of 85lb dumbbells 10 times. Then went to 90lb and did those 10 times. I have never done 95's but I tried them and did them 8 times. I decided to try the 100lb dumbbells and i got out 7 clean reps off them. I'm just so pumped right now. I feel soo good and feel that the working out is actually doing something...anyone else been working out lots?

You're a fucking beast! :D

I was working out quite a bit for a while, then slowed down a lot. I was actually up to 210lb bench, which was my most ever. I really need to start hitting it hard again, but the cold weather makes me lazy.

KwikR6 11-14-2006 11:36 PM

I do have a program. That's not a problem.

Jer and Chris I hope you start hitting the gym again soon.

Originally Posted by Wren57
80lb dumbell shoulder press?? Damn... I used to do 60lbs on that but started doing arnold-presses (where you twist them all the way down to your chest then back up) and do 45-50lbs on that. As far as shrugs I usually just do around 200 and focus on getting a good squeeze at the top

Arnold-presses rule man. I fucking love them. They are great for your shoulders. I switch it up so my body (and mind) don't get to bored with a shoulder press haha

Wren57 11-15-2006 01:07 AM

yeah I like to switch it up too... I'm really lucky to have such a nice college gym, its better than any paid-club I've ever been to. I was happy the other day to get up 12/75, 9/80, 7/80 dumbell press after getting warmed up... been a while since I've been at this level, and all my joints held together this time! haha, can't wait to get to 85 in a few more weeks

ChrisCantSkate 11-15-2006 06:10 AM

yeah wren i hear ya, my gym here is badass... much nicer than any ive seen that i'd have to pay for. tons of machines and free weights, 30ft indoor climing wall, indoor track 1/6 mile track, bunch of indoor bball courts, 2 pools, snack and fruit bars inside the gym. i havnt been yet since i said i was going to start, but im doing 50 pull ups a day even though i break it up into a few different times for now, but im already noticeing im doing more per sitting so thats good. i want to start a good schedual for workouts but its tough since my schedual is all over the place, and it would be much easier to buy a few dumbbells and do simple workouts here most the time and once a week goto the gym... right now im at around 160-165 and a month and a half ago i was 150, so im happy already, but cant really tell where the weight went, mychest and legs i thnk. hmm im up early and dont have shit to do for a few hrs.. im going.

GT40FIED 11-15-2006 10:31 AM

Holy shit...watching people work out gets me winded. I need to start back up with martial arts.

Gone 11-19-2006 12:09 AM

I've been biking for 18 miles 2 or 3 times a week. That's about it. I've been actually trying for high grades my senior year for some reason.

Racing Rice 11-27-2006 01:36 PM

Ok.. I'm going this shit! I want to get up to about 200-215 by next summer. I'm thinking about joining a Semi-Pro football team if my finances are in order. I want to play some sports bad. So here starts it, I'm going to start doing 6 days a week. Muscle groups twice a week. One heavy day one lighter day. We'll see what happens.

KwikR6 11-27-2006 08:58 PM

You want to gain weight? More weights...less cardio. Hit the weights more then 2 times a week.

Racing Rice 11-27-2006 09:09 PM

No.. lol Yes, I want to gain muscle mass weight. I'm not doing much cardio now as it is. I'm focusing on weights. I'm not going to lift 2 times a week. I'm going to lift 6 days a week, twice a weeks per muscle group.

I was shrugging 270 lbs tonight! w00t!

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