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Kool-Aid 04-06-2004 10:59 PM

OkOkokok....major turn-offs please...

Kool-Aid 04-06-2004 11:00 PM

Can't we all just get along...sexually???
He he he

ShagginJet 04-08-2004 10:56 AM

Major Turn Off - Flaky people.

If you say let's do something, or let's get together, or whatever, then f*cking do it. I'm not here to wonder WTF happen you and all that other BS.

spoogenet 04-08-2004 09:18 PM


Originally posted by ShagginJet
Major Turn Off - Flaky people.

Can't believe I forgot that.....definitely true!


Kool-Aid 04-09-2004 12:47 AM

Well...flaky people are wack too...but my ex did turn me down for some sex several times before...thats a major turn off...

ShagginJet 04-09-2004 02:48 AM

^ Turned down how though. I've always encouraged my g/f's to bring it to my attention if they ever want it. I'd be willing to drop whatever i'm doing to give her what she needs.

Kool-Aid 04-09-2004 03:44 AM

Well...it turns me off to know that I'll get turned down some sex...I want a guy who will give it to me whenever I want/need it. I want a guy who will come knockin at my door if I need a hug or whatever it is that I want from him...it turns me on to know thata guy will do almost anything for me...

GeneralDzur 04-20-2004 08:10 PM

I wish more of you females were like that....I only know one other, but she just got married last year. Needless to say, her husband is very happy.

- Dzur

Kool-Aid 04-20-2004 10:46 PM

That's what I was thinkin...I thought guys would be happy that a girl would want sex as much as guys do...apparently some don't want it as much... :confused:

KwikR6 04-21-2004 12:43 AM

Beer bellies! On guys and gurls.
I hate when a gurl plays hard to get! Sure it's cute for a while. But then....after a while..it's like..fuck off!

Kool-Aid 04-21-2004 04:25 AM

HA ha ha...thats funny...

CD5Passion 05-13-2004 12:37 PM

turn offs = quiet girl, I like em to be outspoken, not exactly a screamer, A girl that doesnt take alittle control, Not letting me go down, hygene is a def (don't need no fishdocks),and what the hell is up with teasing all day then when the opportunity comes they are too tired to have sex, resulting in frustrated whackin...i hate that more than anything
I'm one of those guys who like to please the women

ShagginJet 05-13-2004 12:59 PM


resulting in frustrated whackin...i hate that more than anything


I hate it when i'm ready to go, ready to put it down, and then by the time we get to doing it i'm just over it. When i'm ready to go and ready to put it down, by all means assume the position, hold on, and get ready to scream my name... ya know!!

BlackWolf 05-13-2004 01:29 PM


;) :kiss:

Rob 05-13-2004 01:51 PM

^^^^ really needs to get her mouse double-clicked....:crazy:

DsBlu01CivEX 05-13-2004 02:34 PM

:toofunny: :toofunny:

another turn-off for me.....a guy that has money and "flaunts" it. I could give a rats ass how much money you make....that's not what makes me like a person. I don't know...it just aggravates me.

ShagginJet 05-13-2004 02:36 PM

^ on that note, turn-off = two drink minimum. In the LA scene it's pretty much expected that a guy buy a girl a drink or two in order to talk to her. That's fucked up, if we decide to talk and i offer then it's ok, but for them to expect it, NEGATIVE!!

BlackWolf 05-13-2004 02:50 PM

Never, ever EXPECT anything from anyone. If they want to do it/something out of the kindness of their heart, then let them but don't be guilted to do/give anything back. Just a little lesson from someone who gives often but gets it shoved back in their face for even trying in the first place. Nah, no issues here. :mad:

No act of kindness goes unpunished.

Kool-Aid 05-13-2004 03:13 PM

Wow, you get girls expecting drinks from guys?? Damn...Im not much of a demanding person...so if a guy doesn't buy me a drink but wants to holla at me...then it's all good...

DsBlu01CivEX 05-13-2004 03:35 PM

it makes me more uncomfortable when a guy that i don't know buys me a drink just so that he can talk to me. I don't need liquered up just to talk to a guy. Actually I'm probably more entertaining sober.

BlackWolf 05-13-2004 03:43 PM

^^ Not so much that as maybe he put something in it unless the bartender gives the drink to you. Happened to me once but my friend intervined and took me to her house where I ended up puking my guts out later. :yes:

Kool-Aid 05-13-2004 05:31 PM

Yea, three days before I came out here my girlfriend took me out clubbin and we buttered up these guys to get into VIP...so we ended up hangin out with those guys...they ended up buying us a couple of shots of tequilla (my weakness) and lime but my friend told me that her other friend had got poisoned...so she don't drink nuthin anybody offers her...unless she's right there watching them...
I drank the shot eventually, he he he, and I was fine...I can't imagine anybody putting something in your drink...that's messed up...that stuff probably happens in Vegas more often too...I should be more careful...

DsBlu01CivEX 05-14-2004 09:26 AM

yah I'm always concerned about the whole date rape drugs in drinks and shit. My girls and I always goof off about it though. Like if we buy each other drinks we'll tell each other that we put something in it....we're retarded. But yah, if I don't know the person, I won't drink anything that isn't handed to me directly from the bartender...which also means I watched the bartender make the drink.

I want to pose a question to the guys.....are tan lines a turn-on or turn-off? I personally hate seeing tan lines on myself but I don't like to "fake-n-bake", so I'm sorta stuck with them.

biker's back 05-14-2004 09:38 AM


Originally posted by DsBlu01CivEX
I want to pose a question to the guys.....are tan lines a turn-on or turn-off? I personally hate seeing tan lines on myself but I don't like to "fake-n-bake", so I'm sorta stuck with them.

This may seem odd but I love the bikini tan line on my gf. So its a major turn on. When I think about it, I think it stems from the fact that even the sun hasnt seen that part of her.

Call me weird but I eat em up.

GT40FIED 05-15-2004 03:25 AM

Tan lines = :nono: for me. It's just that sharp contrast of skin tones...it just looks wrong. Also, it also amuses me that girls always untie their bathing suits in the back to prevent tan lines...like I'm gonna ask her to get naked and turn around so I can check her out. If you're not gonna get an even tan all over, just don't do it in my book.

Kool-Aid 05-15-2004 03:31 AM

I don't get tan lines like what you guys are describing...I already have light brown carmel colored skin so if I DO get tanned...it's a slight difference...probably can't even tell...

DsBlu01CivEX 05-15-2004 06:30 PM

i'm one of the fairest people I know....so I get major tan lines. The reason I tan is so that I have some color going into summer....it's kind of blinding if you're walking around in a tank top and shorts if you don't have a little bit of a tan. But yah I have issues with the much differing skin tones too Steve.

GT40FIED 05-16-2004 02:28 AM

I hereby decree that all women wanting to tan should do so buck naked.

Kool-Aid 05-16-2004 03:59 AM

Come to Iraq...you'll be tanned in NO time...ha ha ha ;)

ShagginJet 05-16-2004 12:54 PM

I don't think a tan line would really be that huge of a turn off. I mean by the time i'm getting to the point where i'm going to see your tan line we're probably about to engage in sex, i doubt i'd make that big of an issue at that point.

On another note, seeing a girls thong is a big turn on. This girl the other day had one of those thongs with the candies on it. I almost asked her if i could eat one of the candies off it, damn that was hot. A thong done right is very nice.

biker's back 05-17-2004 07:16 AM

Ok I got another major turn off:

Hair, girls who dont shave it down there... tsk tsk. Everyone knows is better, easier clean up and simply helps reduce the smell. Way back when I was getting it on with a girl (not the current gf) and she wasnt shaved. Well that stopped that, I told her to goto the bathroom and fix it. She just rather looked at me all stupid like. Then I had to say "go to the bathroom, and shave between your legs and dont come out until its all gone." But even when it was all done just the thought of all that hair was such a turn of nothing serous happened that night.

So hair, is a big turn off and so are bad smells. girls if you dont wash down there once or twice a day dont expect your bf to go down on you. Its pretty simple freshly washed = lickable.

BlackWolf 05-17-2004 08:13 AM


Originally posted by biker's back
.... I told her to goto the bathroom and fix it. She just rather looked at me all stupid like. Then I had to say "go to the bathroom, and shave between your legs and dont come out until its all gone." But even when it was all done just the thought of all that hair was such a turn of nothing serous happened that night.

"Go to the bathroom, and shave between your legs and dont come out until it's all gone''?? WTF dude?? Are you serious?? Did you tell her to finish her broccoli before leaving the table too?? I'm suprised she stayed. I would have told you to fuck off and left.

"But even when it was all done just the thought of all that hair was such a turn of nothing serous happened that night"
If you have that much of a hang up about coochie hair, you have some serious issues. It should be about her not her hair. I understand the package thing but coochie hair is NOT THAT serious. Now if she smells, then she's got problems you shouldn't even be around. You should have told her to go to the doctor instead. Girls with coochie hair do not normally smell. Yes, it's easier to keep the area clean without hair, I know, I'm completely waxed, BUT if the girl has cleanliness problems, being shaved/waxed IS NOT going to stop the smell. That's a health issue.

biker's back 05-17-2004 09:22 AM

Hey, you werent there. Dont presume to understand what it was like. No one says it was a nice thing to say, or for that matter have her go away and clean it up.

Everyone has their hang ups, just because you're ok with 'coochie' hair doesnt me squatt to me. Unless you're bi you've never gone down on a girl with hair and if you are then you'll know its alot nicer without hair. Anywho, this is my turn off not yours!

ShagginJet 05-17-2004 10:26 AM

I'm kind of with biker on this one. I do agree that it may have been rude to say that to her but on the other hand an out of control bush is hard to work around. I personally like going down on girls so probably would have done it anyways. I just would have said something to hint at it later, nothing like coming up with a mouth full of pubes. A nicely trimmed bush is all i ask, i mean shiat, i even trim mine.

As for the smell, yeah, that's uncool. A little of a tangy taste isn't that bad, but when i can smell it as i kiss down your body, then i may think twice.

BlackWolf 05-17-2004 02:02 PM

Ok, wait a minute, you as a man are going to tell me about pubic hair?? All men have pubic hair, long, "out of control" pubic hair. It's rare that men do trim, cut, wax or otherwise maintain their pubic hair. No I am not gay, bi or ever gone down on a woman but I do know what it's like to have a mouthful of pubic hair. As for the smell, I have smelled other women just by being in the public muliti stall restroom with them and no it does not smell good. They need to have a doctor's appointment. Yes it was extremely rude of you to say that to her. The sheer audicity of it really pisses me off. What gives you the right? Just tell her you're not in the mood, send her home, and never talk to her again. I have no preference on coochie hair, to each their own, but to do that to her was plain and simply wrong. My ex shaved for me once and yes it is alot nicer without all that hair but if you can braid that hair, I agree, something needs to be done about it. No one wants to see corn rows there, man or woman.

biker's back 05-17-2004 02:11 PM

Hey guess what....

I dont play games and I tell it like it is. I wouldnt send her mixed messages by just sending her home or telling her I'm not in the mood. I mean if you're close enough to someone to want to sleep with them you should be able to tell them they need to shave. you're aswer is such a chick answer and doesnt get anythign fixed.

AS for what I have going on thats no one's but my owns business. My gf likes it and thats all that I frankly care about. I didnt post my turn off to be questioned by you. Until you've gone down there you dont know what its like. Yes maybe you've gone down on a guy, last time I checked there was a huge difference.


My major turn off is still hair...

ShagginJet 05-17-2004 02:15 PM

I'd personally rather go down on a chick then a guy, so I think BlackW has it worse. Guys don't shower often enough, the'r balls smell, etc... Woman have way less issues, hairy / smelly, much easier to deal with.

As for you two... settle down, you're at eachothers necks daily. You have a difference of opinion, no need to take it beyond that. Give it a moment and try to see where the other person is coming from. BlackW, remember he's Canadian... so.... ;)

biker's back 05-17-2004 02:19 PM


Originally posted by ShagginJet
I'd personally rather go down on a chick then a guy, so I think BlackW has it worse. Guys don't shower often enough, the'r balls smell, etc... Woman have way less issues, hairy / smelly, much easier to deal with.

As for you two... settle down, you're at eachothers necks daily. You have a difference of opinion, no need to take it beyond that. Give it a moment and try to see where the other person is coming from. BlackW, remember he's Canadian... so.... ;)

Honestly dude, carefull on the country card. Just because we dont have the biggest guns in the world doesnt mean we are any less of a country. What would you know about anythign but the USA anyways? Tell me aliittle about my country....

Girls have it way worse when it comes to smell, moist, dark, hot and sweatie... ALL THE TIME.

ShagginJet 05-17-2004 02:27 PM

^ I'm just messing with you man cause I know you're on the defensive right now...

I'm actually pretty sure that Canada is a better country. Most Canadians speak two languages, Canada has less Poverty/Homeless/Sick stricken people, better hockey players, not sure about he educated but you're not doing bad so i can say they have their share of educated peeps.

My point is that the US is know for being the one place that other 3rd world peeps dream about, it's the freedom they seek. Personally that makes things more f*cked up here cause of our open door policy. I think Canada has all the good stuff the US has, minus the US Military, and minus all the problems we have because of our open doors policies. I'd be happy in either the US or Canada, but f*ck mexico. Canada is probably the only other country i'd feel safe in.

Edit: Forgot to mention the beer!!!

Wren57 05-17-2004 03:06 PM

I hate hair on a girl too, it is really just a pain, but I wouldn't ask a girl to shave for me. I mean, I didn't ask my ex to shave... she asked me if I'd like it, and I said yes. I know how bad hair is, so I keep it tame myself as I don't think anyone finds hair as a turn-ON, so why keep it?

As for which country is better... who cares? Canada might have better hockey players, but we have much hotter women (I love the south!!!). And yes, I've been to Canada. The way I see Canada is this: it is the steady-going, easy to get along with dude that just kinda chills in the corner with a beer and a small smirk on his face. The US is the life of the party, most of the time the life of the party, but sometimes while drunk is annoying and does stupid things... I'd rather be the life of the party than a mellow corner-sitter... ;)

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